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03 April 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. He was written multiple job requests. For instance, Francis Willis wrote to ask for an appointment as collector of the Port of Savannah; he would not be granted the post. Similarly, Wilmington, Del. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Diplomacy, Politics and Political Thought |
02 April 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. His Philadelphia business agent Clement Biddle wrote an update on his order of goods, which included a cock’d hat and buckwheat for fertilizer. GW’s nephew John Dandridge wrote that he agreed to sell his land to GW. Va. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Horses, Humor, Personal Possessions, Politics and Political Thought |
01 April 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. GW replied to Scottish immigrant Robert Dick that the tensions in the west would be seriously attended to. GW responded to Alexandria, Va. |
Diplomacy, Politics and Political Thought |
31 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW began preparing to leave home for an unknown period of time. GW encouraged overseer John Fairfax to care for the farms and livestock, and allowed him to bring a future wife to Mount Vernon. |
Agriculture, Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Land Interests, Livestock, Mount Vernon, Politics and Political Thought |
30 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote to his Philadelphia business agent Clement Biddle. He hoped that the buckwheat he needed for fertilizer would arrive in time and ordered fourteen yards of livery lace. |
Agriculture, Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Personal Possessions, Politics and Political Thought |
29 March 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. His former aide James McHenry, prematurely, congratulated GW on his presidency and implored him to stay with his family in Baltimore when GW travelled through on his way to take office. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Politics and Political Thought |
28 March 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. Scottish immigrant Robert Dick wrote assuring GW of the authenticity of the report he had sent on Canada’s politics and economics. Dick warned that British merchants were also interested in using the Mississippi River, an already tense issue between Spain and Ky. |
Diplomacy, Family/Marriage, Politics and Political Thought, Transportation/Roads/Canals |
27 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote to thank William Craik, son of his friend Dr. James Craik, for handling a land dispute for him. GW also responded to Ky. landowner Thomas Marshall’s 12 Feb. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Land Interests, Politics and Political Thought, U.S. Constitution |
26 March 1789 |
GW wrote his nephew John Dandridge from Mount Vernon, saying that he would gladly purchase Dandridge’s land at the price Col. Lewis had previously set. |
Family/Marriage, Land Interests, Politics and Political Thought |
25 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW responded to N.Y. Gov. George Clinton’s 10 March letter, thanking his friend for the invitation to host him if he should have to go to N.Y. as the new president. |
Friends, Politics and Political Thought |
24 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote his nephew Robert Lewis to give him instructions on preparing for his new job as GW’s secretary. |
Agriculture, Family/Marriage, Friends, Politics and Political Thought |
23 March 1789 |
GW at Mount Vernon. GW wrote his nephew, George Steptoe Washington, a long letter of advice for him to reference as he stepped into adulthood. GW lauded the values of hard work, discretion, and frugality, and stressed that his nephew must make positive first impressions on society. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Family/Marriage, Friends, Politics and Political Thought |
22 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote his Pa. land agent John Cannon to give instructions in regards to collecting rent payments. GW lamented his recent expenditures on his mill in Fayette County, and instructed Canon to search for someone to repair the mill in return for a share of the profits. |
Business Enterprises/Personal Finances, Land Interests, Politics and Political Thought |
21 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote to lawyer Gustavus Scott, Va.politician Edward Stevens, and London merchant Samuel Vaughan. |
Land Interests, Literature/Poetry, Politics and Political Thought, Women |
20 April 1732 |
The first 4/20 in 1732 (test data by Quinn) |
21 April 1754 |
GW’s diary entry from 20 April placed him at Col. Thomas Cresap’s establishment near the Potomac River, where he saw evidence of the British surrender of the fort on the Forks of the Ohio. On 21 April, he presumably was en route to Wills Creek, Pa./Md. |
French and Indian War |
22 February 1732 |
GW was born at his family's home along Pope's Creek, near where that stream enters the Potomac River, in Westmoreland County, Va. Since England then used the Julian calendar, GW's actual birthdate was 11 Feb., but it became 22 Feb. |
Agriculture |