
Displaying 1 - 10 of 12
Title Daily Entry
04 January 1775

Charles Lee left Mount Vernon.

03 March 1791

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote the Senate, nominating over 50 officers to vacant military positions created by recent legislation.

01 March 1791

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote to John Adams requesting his attendance at a Senate Convention he had called for Friday, 4 March.

10 February 1791

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote a reply to Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, a prominent woman in British literary and philanthropic circles.

14 March 1797

GW at Washington, D.C., where he dined at the home of Thomas Law and presumably saw Law’s wife, Eliza, Martha Washington’s eldest granddaughter.  GW lodged with Thomas Peters whose wife, Martha, wa

26 March 1797

GW at Mount Vernon where the wind blew “very fresh” though the day.

31 March 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

07 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote James Anderson of Scotland (a renowned agriculturist, economist, and thinker) and asked him to find a Scottish gardener who would work and live at Mount Vernon.

13 March 1789

From Mount Vernon, GW wrote Francis Hopkinson, a judge of the Pa. admiralty court.

09 January 1790

GW in N.Y. GW wrote to Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, a prominent woman in British literary and philanthropic circles with whom he had begun a friendly correspondence in 1785.
