01 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. GW replied to Scottish immigrant Robert Dick that the tensions in the west would be seriously attended to. GW responded to Alexandria, Va. merchant William Hartshorne that he earnestly wished he could prevent an anticipated riot upon celebrations of his passing through Philadelphia to reach N.Y. GW wrote  former artillery commander Henry Knox thanking him for his information regarding the status of the Congress for the past few weeks. GW continued that, if he must be president, “integrity & firmness is all I can promise.” GW wrote to explain to his former aide James McHenry that, while he was grateful for the invitation to stay with his family, once he assumed the presidency GW would no longer trouble private families for lodging. Finally, GW wrote William Milnor, thanking him for the job request, but explaining that he would only assign government jobs based on character, not on his own relationships.


01 April 1789