17 April 1791

GW at Halifax, N.C. GW’s secretary Tobias Lear wrote to GW updating him on the state of affairs in GW’s Philadelphia residence, including that he had at last found a steward.

Secretary of War Henry Knox wrote to GW updating him on the positions of his armies and indicating they were delivering more supplies and uniforms. Thomas Jefferson wrote to GW explaining that the department heads had authorized a second loan from Holland, that Knox had sent an expedition to the Six Nations to determine their feelings towards the United States, and that Britain would not recognize ships as American that were not built on American soil.

Alexander Hamilton wrote to GW of Treasury Department Comptroller Nicholas Eveleigh’s death. He and Knox strongly recommended Auditor Oliver Wolcott to take his place. Jefferson recommended Thomas Heyward of S.C. to take the position, though Heyward would receive no such offer.

17 April 1791