11 January 1790

GW in N.Y. In his diary, GW noted that he sent instructions to his commissioners concerning a treaty with the Creek Indians. GW sent these and a copy of N.C.’s ratification of the Constitution to Congress.

GW wrote a private letter to S.C. Gov. Charles Pinckney, conveying his desire to enter into peaceful treaties with the new Spanish monarch and the Creek Indians.

French minister to the United States Moustier wrote from Paris, describing the deteriorating morality of the French Revolution. Beverley Randolph, U.S. Attorney General, notified GW that he sent GW’s proposal for the establishment of a woolen manufactory in the Commonwealth to the Va. House of Delegates anonymously, as requested. 

The Congress sent GW a reply address to his State of the Union on 8 Jan., assuring him that they would work to resolve the issues he pointed out. GW replied the same day, thanking them for their efforts.


11 January 1790