In Va., GW traveled from Richmond and arrived in Petersburg. In his diary, GW worried that Petersburg’s trade would decline because of a future canal. He thanked the Petersburg citizens for their hospitality.
GW wrote to Gov. Beverley Randolph asking that Va. supply 2,000 dollars for erecting public buildings in the federal capital. GW wrote to John Brown, clerk to the general court of Va., to clarify his Ohio land titles. GW also wrote to cartographer William Tatham thanking him for sending a copy of his Va. map.
The Commissioners of the Federal District wrote to GW with a map of land to be developed into the nation’s capital. They reported further difficulty with the landowners in the area. Alexander Hamilton wrote to GW that chargé d'affaires William Short intended to open a second loan from Holland so that the United States could pay its debt to France.
Louis Paronneau, a young frenchman, wrote to GW asking for personal assistance in his ongoing murder trial; he would later be found not guilty. Martha Dangerfield Bland, widow of Dr. Theodorick Bland, wrote apologizing for bothering GW about the issue of her runaway slave.