06 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. GW wrote Battaile Muse, a Va. agent for collecting his land rents, that he might have to prove in court his reception of land on the Great Kanhawa River from Muse’s father, George. GW wrote John Brown, a clerk of the Va. general court, about this matter the same day. GW also wrote both his close friend Brian Fairfax and Va. merchant Thomas Montgomerie concerning the settlements of different estates.

Pa. Senator Robert Morris wrote a letter congratulating GW on his official election as the first president of the United States, saying the election was evidence of the “unequivical proof of the gratitude of Millions.” This letter would later be delivered by Charles Thomson, who was in charge of formally telling GW of his election. Va. Senator Richard Henry Lee wrote GW stating that he had watched the unanimous vote for his presidency, and offered his congratulations. Senators Anthony Wayne and John Langdon also wrote congratulatory letters.

Dr. William Shippen congratulated GW and forwarded a letter from his son Thomas in London, which reported on Parliamentary affairs and the possibility of an Anglo-American commerce treaty. Congressman Elias Boudinot also congratulated GW, adding a warning that it was likely the United States would lose the duties on all spring importations because the first Congress had been so delayed in convening. Indeed, James Madison wrote the same day that a Congressional quorum had finally been achieved upon the arrival of Richard Henry Lee.

06 April 1789