25 June 1775

GW arrived in New York City, en route to Cambridge, Massachusetts. He wrote three letters today. The first was to Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler. GW gave instructions to Schuyler for leading the American militia forces in New York. GW told Schuyler to prevent Gov. William Tryon and the superintendent of Indian affairs Col. Guy Johnson from aiding their enemies.  He also ordered him to reinforce Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point with ammunition and provisions, and give monthly updates to GW and the Continental Congress.

The second letter was to John Hancock, president of the Mass. provincial congress. In the letter, GW acknowledged the Mass. provincial congress’ letter about the the Battle of Bunker Hill on 17 June, and emphasized the need for more gunpowder.  He explained that the 1,000 lbs. of gunpowder sent to Cambridge, Mass., left none for defending New York City.

The third letter was to the Continental Congress. In the letter, GW emphasized the dire need for gunpowder in Boston given their extremely low supply.

25 June 1775