21 January 1790

GW in N.Y. GW wrote in his diary that he transmitted Secretary of War Henry Knox’s plan for a national militia system to Congress. GW wrote to Congress that the plan was “of the highest importance to the welfare of our Country.” That night, he he dined with a large group of Congressmen.

GW wrote to Thomas Jefferson to persuade him to accept the office of Secretary of State. GW explained that the government was “an object of almost infinite consequence,” that the office was “very important,” and that he knew no one else who could “better execute the Duties of it than yourself.”

John David Woelpper wrote begging GW to compensate him for the depreciation of his Continental army pay. GW knew Woelpper from the French and Indian War and the Revolution, and so forwarded his claims to Knox, saying he was a “good soldier.”

21 January 1790