17 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. GW replied to S.C. Gov. Charles Pinckney. He wrote about relations with Spain, his regret that S.C. had not totally prohibited importing slaves, and his hope that the Cherokee chiefs’ recent Philadelphia visit would improve relations.

William Hamilton, a wealthy patron of the arts, wrote about sending GW plants, which GW received just two days later. L. Hoopstad & Co. wrote GW from Demerara, a South American Dutch colony, soliciting his business.

Gouverneur Morris, nominated as Minister to France, wrote GW from London. He commented on the French Revolution, the death of Leopold II of the Holy Roman Empire, the machinations of French Assembly members, and proposed mediation by the British government between the U.S. and the Indian tribes.

George Taylor, Jr. wrote GW applying for the office of chief clerk of the State Department. Taylor was appointed to that office on 1 April.

17 March 1792