14 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. The Commissioners for the District of Columbia wrote GW about their regrets that former federal city designer Pierre L’Enfant’s temper made it impossible to work with him. GW wrote to Thomas Jefferson that L’Enfant had insulted him by his conduct and ordered that no further overtures be made to L’Enfant. GW also wrote that he had sent Jefferson’s suggestions for the post office to the postmaster general and asked to meet with both Jefferson and the postmaster.

GW wrote to Louis XVI congratulating him on accepting a constitution for France, enclosing congratulatory resolutions from the Congress. GW wrote William Moultrie acknowledging the receipt of his letters and plants. GW also sent the Senate appointments for the infantry.

Revolutionary War veteran John Armstrong wrote GW from Carlisle, Pa. that further war with the Indians was inevitable, and suggested different strategies that could be used against them.

14 March 1792