Military Leadership and Strategy

Displaying 71 - 80 of 154
Title Daily Entry
09 July 1775

GW at American headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  He held a Council of War meeting discussing the presence of roughly 11,500 British soldiers in and near Boston.

08 July 1775

GW at American headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  GW also wrote a letter to Lund Washington, his cousin, but the letter has yet to be found.

07 July 1775

GW at American headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His General Orders for 7 July include a message to all American officers to be an example of bravery to their troops.

06 July 1775

GW at the American headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His General Orders include court martials for four men on the basis of desertion and theft, an order for Capt. Noadiah Leonard of Col.

05 July 1775

GW in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

04 July 1775

GW in Cambridge, Massachusetts. GW wrote an address to the Mass. provincial congress expressing his appreciation and gratitude for their general support and faith in the army.

03 July 1775

GW in Cambridge, Massachusetts. General Orders were written from the Headquarters of Cambridge ordering the repositioning of regiments to guard against a sudden British attack.

01 July 1775

GW presumably traveling to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler wrote GW a letter updating him on the location of Brig. Gen.

29 June 1775

GW presumably traveling to Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Del. Delegates wrote GW a letter from Philadelphia recommending John Parke for military service.

28 June 1775

GW traveling to Cambridge, Massachusetts.
