Politics and Political Thought

Displaying 221 - 230 of 240
Title Daily Entry
02 January 1790

GW in N.Y. In his diary, GW noted that he read Alexander Hamilton’s report on the Department of Finance, and that he had tea with Chief Justice John Jay.

01 January 1790

GW in N.Y. GW reports in his diary that many citizens and members of Congress came by the Washington house to celebrate the New Year.

10 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon.

09 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. Former Revolutionary War paymaster Ezekiel Forman wrote to inquire about what positions would be established in the court of law for the United States.

06 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. GW wrote Battaile Muse, a Va.

04 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. GW wrote to James Mercer that he needed Mercer’s deceased father’s debt to him paid promptly on schedule.

03 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. He was written multiple job requests. For instance, Francis Willis wrote to ask for an appointment as collector of the Port of Savannah; he would not be granted the post.

02 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. His Philadelphia business agent Clement Biddle wrote an update on his order of goods, which included a cock’d hat and buckwheat for fertilizer.

01 April 1789

GW at Mount Vernon. GW replied to Scottish immigrant Robert Dick that the tensions in the west would be seriously attended to. GW responded to Alexandria, Va.

31 March 1789

From Mount Vernon, GW began preparing to leave home for an unknown period of time.
