
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Title Daily Entry
16 July 1775

GW at American headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He announced orders from the Continental Congress stating 20 July would be a day of fasting and prayer. Upon passing the N.H.

11 June 1775

GW in Philadelphia for the Second Continental Congress.  GW went to church in the morning.

09 June 1775

GW in Philadelphia for the Second Continental Congress.  GW dined with Mr. Samuel Pleasants, a Philadelphia Quaker, and went to hear Mr.

15 January 1775

GW attended Pohick Church.

10 April 1792

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote to Roman Catholic bishop John Carroll thanking him for his idea of giving the Indians religious instruction.

20 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote Congress asking for a bill that authorized more than one brigadier general, since military forces had recently been increased for defending the frontier.

09 January 1791

GW at Philadelphia. Hyacinth de Chappedelaine, a French nobleman and military officer, wrote a letter to GW wishing to continue their good relationship.

01 April 1797

GW attended a dinner apparently given in his honor at the Masonic Lodge in Alexandria, Va.  In his reply to a complimentary address, GW reportedly said: “If it has pleased the supreme architect of

20 January 1790

GW in N.Y. GW wrote to the Md. Legislature thanking them for their congratulations on his presidency.

07 January 1790

GW in N.Y. GW wrote in his diary that Congress was ready for him to address it. That night, he dined with a large group of politicians.