Title | Daily Entry |
13 January 1791 |
GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote a letter to Va. Gov. Beverley Randolph declining any agency in a woolen manufactory in Va. because it was a felony to export the machines from Great Britain. |
06 January 1791 |
GW at Philadelphia. Former Continental army Maj. John Bankson wrote asking to be considered for the office of Inspector of the Militia for the State of Md. |
02 May 1754 |
GW was en route to Redstone Creek, Pa., from Wills Creek, Pa./Md., which he and his troops left on the previous day. On this day, the independent company from S.C. |
30 March 1797 |
GW presumably at Mount Vernon. |
06 April 1797 |
GW presumably at Mount Vernon. |
02 February 1775 |
GW at Mount Vernon. He had company in the afternoon. These people included Benedict Calvert, John Beale Bordley, Launcelot Jacques, Andrew Wagener, Dr. William Rumney, and Va. |
13 April 1797 |
GW presumably Mount Vernon. |
04 February 1790 |
GW in N.Y. GW wrote in his diary that he received, from Congress, an act that extended Federal import duties to N.C., which had just recently ratified the Constitution. |
19 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote the son of his good friend Dr. James Craik, William, to inform him of the status of his various land disputes. |
12 March 1789 |
From Mount Vernon, GW wrote to Battaile Muse, his agent for collecting rents from his tenants. GW gave him instructions on financial matters related to managing his lands, including taxes. |