Military Leadership and Strategy

Displaying 131 - 140 of 154
Title Daily Entry
14 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. The Commissioners for the District of Columbia wrote GW about their regrets that former federal city designer Pierre L’Enfant’s temper made it impossible to work with him.

13 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. Senator Aaron Burr wrote GW regarding Indian relations in the Western Territories, adding his opinion that peace was possible. Va.

09 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia.

02 March 1792

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote to Thomas Jefferson asking him to review Secretary of War Henry Knox’s previous-day draft of a letter to Gen. Arthur St.

18 February 1792

GW at Philadelphia.

15 February 1792

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote Thomas Jefferson asking for a meeting, along with James Madison, to discuss architect Pierre L’Enfant and his plans for the Federal City.

05 February 1792

GW at Philadelphia. Secretary of War Henry Knox sent GW a return of all troop dispositions in the U.S. army.

17 April 1791

GW at Halifax, N.C. GW’s secretary Tobias Lear wrote to GW updating him on the state of affairs in GW’s Philadelphia residence, including that he had at last found a steward.

07 April 1791

GW traveled from Mount Vernon to Dumfries, Va. GW wrote in his diary that all of his horses, harnessed to his carriage, jumped overboard during the ferry ride at Colchester.

04 April 1791

GW at Mount Vernon. GW wrote his department heads with details on his locations during his southern tour so that he could be quickly reached if urgent matters occurred.
