
GW's recreational activites included fox hunting and dancing, among other things.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 48
Title Daily Entry
06 June 1775

GW in Philadelphia for the Second Continental Congress.  GW spent the day at Mr. William Hamilton’s.

06 May 1775

GW spent the day in Baltimore, Md., where he reviewed the militia companies there. That night, he dined at an entertainment given by the townsmen accompanied by other delegates.

27 April 1775

GW spent the day at Mount Vernon. William Hepburn, who owned a ropewalk GW had patronized, and Mr. Lloyd of Pa. continued their visit.

24 April 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. GW’s brother John Washington, Robert Adam, Dumfries, Va. merchant Andrew Leitch, and his wife, Margaretta Leitch, left Mount Vernon.

23 April 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. Robert Adam, Dumfries, Va. merchant Andrew Leitch, and his wife, Margaretta Leitch, visited.

19 April 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. Sisters Mrs. Thomas Blackburn and Mrs. William Brown left after dinner. Dr. William Rumney arrived in the afternoon.


18 April 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. He spent time with Gen. Charles Lee as they traveled to Robert Adams’s Fishing Landing. Sisters Mrs. Thomas Blackburn and Mrs.

09 April 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. GW and Martha attended Pohick church and came home for dinner. They hosted Dr. James Craik, GW’s personal physician, and Daniel Jenifer of Port Tobacco, Md. for the night.

14 January 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. He wrote in his diary that he was at home alone.


12 January 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. He wrote in his diary that he went fox hunting and found some but did not kill anything.

