Mount Vernon

Displaying 21 - 30 of 54
Title Daily Entry
28 March 1797

GW at Mount Vernon.

The Masons of the Alexandria Lodge invited GW to a dinner that took place with GW in attendance on 1 April.

25 March 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he oversaw repairs to the mansion house. He had hired painters but sought  proper workmen to fix a chimney.

14 March 1797

GW at Washington, D.C., where he dined at the home of Thomas Law and presumably saw Law’s wife, Eliza, Martha Washington’s eldest granddaughter.  GW lodged with Thomas Peters whose wife, Martha, wa

27 March 1797

 GW at Mount Vernon where the wind blew “violently” during the afternoon and evening.


30 March 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

31 March 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

03 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote his step-grandson George Washington Parke Custis with an update on mansion repairs and praised him for his improved writing.

06 April 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

06 February 1775

GW at Mount Vernon with some guests.

05 February 1775

GW at Mount Vernon with some guests. He reported the weather as quite calm and pleasantly warm.
