Mount Vernon
Title | Daily Entry |
21 January 1775 |
GW at Mount Vernon. He went hunting with his stepson John Parke Custis and killed “a Dog Fox” before returning for dinner. |
14 April 1797 |
GW presumably Mount Vernon. |
13 April 1797 |
GW presumably Mount Vernon. |
12 April 1797 |
GW presumably Mount Vernon. |
15 April 1797 |
GW presumably at Mount Vernon. |
11 April 1797 |
GW presumably at Mount Vernon. |
10 April 1797 |
GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote Secretary of State Timothy Pickering to acknowledge receipt of an agricultural pamphlet from John Sinclair. |
09 April 1797 |
GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote his nephew George Lewis and expressed his deepest sorrow over the death of his mother, Betty Washington Lewis, who was GW’s sister born in 1733. |
08 April 1797 |
GW presumably at Mount Vernon. |
07 April 1797 |
GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote James Anderson of Scotland (a renowned agriculturist, economist, and thinker) and asked him to find a Scottish gardener who would work and live at Mount Vernon. |