Mount Vernon

Displaying 41 - 50 of 54
Title Daily Entry
21 January 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. He went hunting with his stepson John Parke Custis and killed “a Dog Fox” before returning for dinner.

14 April 1797

GW presumably Mount Vernon.

13 April 1797

GW presumably Mount Vernon.

12 April 1797

GW presumably Mount Vernon.

15 April 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

11 April 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

10 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote Secretary of State Timothy Pickering to acknowledge receipt of an agricultural pamphlet from John Sinclair.

09 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote his nephew George Lewis and expressed his deepest sorrow over the death of his mother, Betty Washington Lewis, who was GW’s sister born in 1733.

08 April 1797

GW presumably at Mount Vernon.

07 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote James Anderson of Scotland (a renowned agriculturist, economist, and thinker) and asked him to find a Scottish gardener who would work and live at Mount Vernon.
