
Displaying 61 - 70 of 80
Title Daily Entry
16 January 1791

GW at Philadelphia. GW wrote to S.C. lawyer Edward Rutledge declaring his intention to tour the southern states after Congress adjourned on 3 March.

09 January 1791

GW at Philadelphia. Hyacinth de Chappedelaine, a French nobleman and military officer, wrote a letter to GW wishing to continue their good relationship.

02 January 1791

GW at Philadelphia. He wrote Thomas Jefferson to specify certain boundaries of the future capital of the nation along the Potomac River.

05 May 1754

GW was still marching with his men from Wills Creek, Pa./Md. to Redstone Creek in Pa., at which the military was to build a temporary fortification.

26 March 1797

GW at Mount Vernon where the wind blew “very fresh” though the day.

02 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon.

05 February 1775

GW at Mount Vernon with some guests. He reported the weather as quite calm and pleasantly warm.

22 January 1775

GW at Mount Vernon. He met with Daniel Jenifer Adams during the day, presumably to discuss settlement of a longstanding debt, and dined with John Price Posey, who stayed the night.

31 January 1790

GW in N.Y. In the morning, GW went to church at St. Paul’s Chapel. James Wilson—an associate judge of the Supreme Court—paid his respects to GW after he returned from church.

09 April 1797

GW at Mount Vernon, where he wrote his nephew George Lewis and expressed his deepest sorrow over the death of his mother, Betty Washington Lewis, who was GW’s sister born in 1733.
